Love Jerks is a San Francisco duo who make dream-pop ballads and glam-rock anthems that leave you no choice but to dance, or swoon, or both.
The offspring of two lead singers—Bryan Garza of Scissors for Lefty (vocals, guitar) and Rebecca Garza-Bortman of Happy Fangs and My First Earthquake (vocals, bass)—Love Jerks was born when these two jerks, yes, fell in love. They met in a rock club; got married in a rock club; and somewhere in between they discovered a mutual affection for Debbie Harry, Jarvis Cocker, and French pop from the 1960s. The result feels fated: magnetic melodies, wry lyricism, and a theatrical stage show that the pair bring to life with the help of their third member, a virtual psychedelic animal drummer. Love Jerks’ first full-length is due out fall 2018.